I am a U.S. National Science Foundation GRFP Fellow, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Researcher, and PhD Candidate in the department of Computer Science (CS) at Northwestern University (NU). My work is advised by Maia L. Jacobs in the Personalized & Adaptive Technology for Health (NU-PATH) lab.
I specialize in using HCI methods to design and evaluate user-centered technologies.
My research focuses on co-designing machine learning solutions for healthcare, emphasizing the end user's perspective. One of my current projects in this space involves working with the Center for Advancing Safety of Machine Intelligence (CASMI) to Co-Design Patient-Facing Machine Learning for Prenatal Stress Reduction.
- π©π»βπ« 04/2025 I am giving a talk at Berea College on my PhD experience and insights into pursuing a research career in human-centered computing
- π©π»βπ« 04/2025 I am attending the 2025 CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women & Grad Cohort for IDEALS in Denver, CO
- π©π»βπ« 03/2025 I am attending the 2025 Women in Science Conference at NEIU in Chicago, IL
- π©π»βπ« 01/2025 I am teaching a workshop on Technology-Facilitated Abuse (TFA) & Methods for Designing Trauma-Informed Technologies with the Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design at Northwestern University
- π 10/2024 I passed my CS PhD Qualifying Examination and advanced from PhD Student to PhD Candidate
- π©π»βπ« 08/2024 Presented on the User Experience (UX) of Advanced 3D Data Visualization Software at The National Science Foundationβs (NSF) National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado
- π©π»βπ« 06/2024 Presented ongoing research on the design of patient-facing machine learning (ML) at The International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) in Limerick, Ireland
- π©π»βπ« 05/2024 Started collaborating on user experience (UX) research initiatives with The National Science Foundation's (NSF) National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado
- π©π»βπ« 04/2024 Attended the 2024 CRA-WP Grad Cohort Workshop for IDEALS in Minneapolis, MN
- π©π»βπ« 11/2023 Gave a talk on public scholarship & building impactful research as an alum of The Graduate Engagement Opportunities (GEO) Community Practicum
- π©π»βπ« 11/2023 Attended the Gender and Intersectional Bias in Artificial Intelligence Conference in Chicago, IL
- π©π»βπ« 10/2023 Presented at the Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing (CSCW) workshop on Supporting User Engagement in Testing, Auditing, and Contesting AI in Minneapolis, MN
- π©π»βπ« 10/2023 Served as a JEDI Ambassador at UbiComp/ISWC conference in CancΓΊn, Mexico
- π©π»βπ« 07/2023 Served as a panelist in the NEIU SCSE, TRIO, and McNair Graduate School Panel
- π©π»βπ« 06/2023 Served as a volunteer at the Interaction Design for Children conference in Chicago, IL
- π 06/2023 Received a Master of Science (MS) degree in Computer Science from Northwestern University
- π©π»βπ« 04/2023 Served as a panelist in the NEIU Computer Science Alumni Forum
- π©π»βπ« 04/2023 Presented at the CRA-WP Grad Cohort Workshop for Women in San Francisco, CA
- π 03/2023 Awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
- π©π»βπ« 02/2023 Attended the Preparing Future Faculty of Color Conference at Northern Illinois University (NIU)
- π 11/2022 First-authored Invisible Clinical Labor Driving the Successful Integration of AI in Healthcare
- π©π»βπ« 10/2022 Presented at NU's Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design conference
- π 09/2022 Awarded the Segal Design Cluster Fellowship
- π©π»βπ« 09/2022 Attended the Tapia Conference in Washington, DC
- π 07/2022 Awarded the Social Justice Mini-Grant from Northwestern
- π©π»βπ« 07/2022 Served as a panelist in the NU SROP Navigating Graduate School Event
- π©π»βπ« 03/2022 Started my PhD Internship with We All Code
- π©π»βπ« 09/2021 Started my PhD studies in CS at Northwestern University
- π 05/2021 Graduated with a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Computer Science from NEIU
- π 01/2021 Awarded the NEIU CS Scholarship
- π 11/2020 Awarded the Abraham Lincoln Civic Engagement Award
- π©π»βπ« 07/2020 Presented at the UCLA National McNair Conference
- π©π»βπ« 07/2020 Presented at the The National Center for Atmospheric Research Presentations
- π©π»βπ« 05/2020 Started my internship with NSF The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
- π©π»βπ« 10/2019 Attended and presented at the 2019 SACNAS Conference in Honolulu, HI
- π©π»βπ« 09/2019 Presented at the 11th Annual NEIU Student Symposium
- π©π»βπ« 08/2019 Started leading programming workshops with the NEIU CS department
- π©π»βπ« 05/2019 Started my summer research internship at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) SCSE
- π 09/2018 Awarded The National TheDream.US Scholarship