Mara Ulloa

/ MAHR-ah - OOh - YO-ah /

Hi, I'm Mara Ulloa

I am a National Science Foundation GRFP Fellow and third-year PhD student in the department of Computer Science (CS) at Northwestern University (NU) in the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science. As a member of the Personalized & Adaptive Technology for Health (NU-Path) lab, my PhD work is mentored by Dr. Maia L. Jacobs.

My research interests span across the fields of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Preventive Medicine, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), converging to explore the interplay between technology design and personalized health tools.

The objective of my work is to design novel strategies and interventions that apply user-centered design to address usability, safety, and ethical challenges when implementing machine learning insights into real-world settings.

I am currently working with the Center for Advancing Safety of Machine Intelligence (CASMI) in my department to Co-Design Patient-Facing Machine Learning for Prenatal Stress Reduction.



Cruz, S., Lu, C., Ulloa M., Redding, A., Hester, J., Jacobs, M. β€œPerceptions of Wearable Health Tools Post-COVID 19 in Low-income Latine Communities” JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU). USA, January 26, 2024.
